I also had a heckuva time on my last builds getting the one meg resistor that goes from the input (tip) to ground on these things installed. Mainly because I put the jacks on, then tried to put the resistor in. This time I wised up and put it in place before I put the jacks in the amp. These are the jacks mounted, waiting for the final connections.
I've gotten into this habit of putting some actual vintage (aka old) component into each of my builds. Maybe in an effort to put some mojo or vibe into each amp, but mainly because I have a bunch of this old junk laying around and I can put it to good (re)use.
For this amp, one such piece is the pilot light assembly. I have a whole slew of pilot lights - some are this 'Fender style,' but I have some really crazy ones too. I think on the next amp project (...and it's already being marinated in my brain...) I'll use something a bit non-standard.
Anyway, this is your typical pilot light assembly - maybe from the 60s? I got in a bunch of old parts I bought off the ol you-know-where auction site. This one's in really nice shape. I just polished it up a bit with Mother's Mag Polish and it's ready to go. This is the 'before' picture.
I figured I'd better put an actual bulb in it so I don't forget. You may be surprised to find that I have a couple of small parts drawers full of incandescent bulbs for old radios, amps, etc. This amp needs a #47 bulb.
Here's the amp chassis with the input jacks, on/off and standby switches, pilot light, and pots attached.
It's really starting to look like an actual amp-lee-far!
Next up is mounting the transformers, then putting the circuit board in and wiring it up!
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