This is the moment where I'm a little apprehensive. I've been careful to line everything up, but I'm dreading having made a goof.
I put the dowels into one of the sides...
...and then put the top, bottom, front and back on.
It all goes together!
I put the top on and it too works!
I didn't hammer it all down, because now I need to get it all apart and glue it together.
I spread glue around the edges of the side and into the holes.
You can see how the dowels are fluted so glue can go around them.
After I put the glue on, I put the dowels in the holes, put some glue on top of the dowels, and then put the other panels on. Now I can drive them home with the mallet.
It all goes together - then I put the "top" (actually the other side) onto the whole thing.
With it all doweled, glued and hammered into place, I can clamp it up.
I used bar clamps to clamp it all together. I used cauls (just shim strips) between the box and the clamps so the wood doesn't get dented.
Some glue naturally oozes out of the joints - I just go around and clean up the excess with a damp painter's rag.
I let the glue dry overnight, then removed the clamps.
Holy smokes! They're actually starting to look like speakers!
The joints are very solid and the boxes are surprisingly heavy - since I used 3/4 inch ply they're really solid.
There are just a couple of places where the joins are off a tiny bit...but this is proof of concept and not perfection (on this build anyway).
I'm starting to wonder what they're going to sound like!
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