I have these terminal jack cups I bought from Madisound which will go into the holes in the back (duh) of the speaker boxes. One of them dropped right in - the other needed a touch of filing on the hole to get a nice fit. They're pretty snug - that fact combined with the rubber gasket on the back helps ensure a soundwave-tight fit.
The plan is to drill the holes for these and the speakers, then solder up the cable and fire them up and see if they work.
I know if the cups and the speakers themselves aren't square with the boxes I'll go slightly wonky every time I look at them. So we use our trusty Empire square to line them up.
I made a guide hole/divot with an awl, and then drilled the holes. Once again you see the blue tape depth gauge.
Here's a shot of the awl making a guide hole for one of the speakers. I was real careful not to punch the speaker!
I have some speaker wire around here somewhere, but I went ahead and bought a few meters of 16 gauge oxygen-free cable for this project. Turns out the cable is made in Sweden. How cool is that? I've been to Sweden twice and I really dig it. My car was made there too and no, it is NOT a Volvo. Puhleeeze!
The wire turns out to be really nice to work with - it has lovely silver strands and strips like a dream. I am wondering, though, how you get the oxygen out of the cable. I mean, once it hits the atmosphere, doesn't it have oxygen in it? I'm scratching my head over this one. I also am not sure it will make any difference in the sound of the speakers, but as I say, it is sure nice to work with.
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