This pedal is pretty simple - there is just a selector switch and a level control. And since I'm not planning on building a bunch of them, I'll pretty much know what does what.
Having said that, I do need a reference point (or points...) for the selector. To digress a bit here, the original Rangemaster was basically a treble boost. It does give a little bit of subtle, soft distortion too, on the high notes it's boosting. If the frequency range that the boost affects is changed, the distortion and boost will be available on more notes, not just the higher ones. The input capacitor sets the frequency range - in the stock Rangemasters it was an .005 uF cap. I'm going to build mine with a selector to choose from a range of capacitors from .001 uF (real thin sounding) to .15 uF (should put soft distortion on all the notes on the guitar).
I want to keep track of the different choices so I can experiment with the capacitor values later if I want. Hence the need for some sort of reference marks.
I temporarily installed the selector switch and a knob, and made pencil marks on the pedal to notate the positions. Then I took a Sharpie and marked them with dots, using a circle template.
I snagged this template at a local Michaels craft/art supply store. I can see this coming in very very handy for future projects....bwhahahahahahaha.
Then I just painted color 'dots' inside the Sharpie marks with the acrylic paint. For the first coat, I used the template as a guide, but then I got brave and arty and put on a couple of touch-up coats freehand.
The result is a cross between reckless and homemade-looking and actual modern art. Not that I resemble an artist in any way, mind you.
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