As you can see, these are Daka-Ware knobs. Made in the Windy City, City of Big Shoulders, Portal to the West, Second City, Meat Capital of the World, etc, aka Chicago. One cool town if I do say so.
Since I had the selector switch on the Cattlegrazer, I figured a pointer knob was most appropriate.
Side note: the term "chicken-head" seems to have been coined by vintage geetar/amp aficionados. There have been a couple of threads on the Antique Radio Forums (see my links) about "why do they call 'em 'chicken head' knobs?" I agree, they don't look like a chicken's head; better to call 'em pointer knobs. That's what the old radio guys, who were around back then, called 'em.
Here's the finished 'Grazer. As I mentioned earlier, almost right away I swapped some cap values. There are a good variety of tones in this thing.
The thinnest setting, at .002 uF, is plenty thin. I find the middle ranges, .005 - .008, to be the best ones for me. They range from treble boost with a touch of distortion, to a pretty raunchy/fuzzy tone. These days I tend to like the cleaner/slightly dirty tones the best.
If you build a clone, you may find you like the fuzzier tones. In any case, unlike my Weber Cattledrive, this puppy has plenty of gain to burn. You can just use it as a volume boost too.
I was pleasantly surprised to see how much versatility it had. Goes to show what a good circuit the Dallas Rangemaster was in the first place.
Now back to the bench for more fun!
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