I bought an el-cheapo switch - it's a D-Link. Cause, it make de link to de innernet. In the pixture, you can see the green arrow pointing to it. It's just a box that takes the input from the router in the basement and lets you plug in as many as 4 (four) computers to it.
All of the wiring for the network was pulled through to one outlet, so I just wired up the appropriate connectors and connected them to the switch.
Amazingly enough, it actually works! I brought my laptop out to test it.

The main "input" from the Verizon router goes to jack one on the switch. The three data lines go to jacks 2, 3, and 4, respectively. So we have line 1 lit up and line 4 lit up - they're both live.
Whoo hoo!

There is a mess of cable inside the wall, but ain't nobody gonna see it...eventually.
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