One of the bits of the project that I've been mulling over for some time - since the beginning, in fact - is the place where the 'shelf' that runs around half the room meets the door. The PO had a piece of wood there that was just sort of stuck on - it was rectangular and didn't blend in well. It was ripped out when we took the old carpeting off the floor.
I figured whatever I did I would like at least to better match the shelf and make it look more blended in. So I cut a rectangular board a bit wider than the space and figured I'd at least cut the edge on an angle to match the shelf top.

When I cut the new piece, I knowingly made it a bit oversize because I figured I'd have to hand fit it to suit. I cut away a bit of the door molding to get the board to snug right up to it.

Originally I was just going to leave it as is, but there is a big section under the shelf where the new end piece juts out. Not good. Time to get creative.
After a bit of pondering, I figured I'd try cutting that middle section back some to line up with the vertical board under the shelf. If I mess it up, I'll just go back to Plan A, right?

Coping saw: it cuts, it follows curves and it helps you deal with life's problems. What a deal.

I cut a little outside the lines so, again, I had some extra material to work with for the final fitting.

This actually looks like it's gonna work. Just a little filing to make it line up perfectly should do it. I'm amazed I got it the first time. During the cutting I was dreading the thought of having to do all this over again.
The floor molding isn't nailed in place just yet, so I just stuck it up next to the vertical shelf board to use as a template.

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