You may recall (or not...) some 'teaser' posts a while back on Something Good That Is Coming This Way. Well, it is here. In person, on the workbench. It's this mutant Telecaster I have and it's going to get souped up.

What we're gonna wind up with is 4-way switching to enable the choice of both pickups in series, along with the conventional stock neck/neck and bridge in parallel/bridge alone wiring of a stock 'modern' Tele. In addition, I have a 250K pot with a push-pull switch that I'm using to switch between the two taps on a Don Mare "2-speed Stingray" bridge pickup.
I took the volume control off the old plate and am using it on the new one - it's got a real fast rotation which is great for volume effects. Not that I'm any good at them, mind you, but the pot that's on there is great for them.
At this point, the new plate has the 4-way switch, the volume pot, and the push-pull switch on it. You can also see the 'treble bleed' filter circuit I already had on the volume control. It's a 220K resistor and an .001 cap in parallel - it prevents treble from rolling off when you turn the volume down. I have that circuit on all my geetars.
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