Our pickups of choice (today, anyway...) are Lindy Fralin Vintage Hots. They're handmade in lovely Richmond, Virginia, USA and they have a great reputation for excellent tone. And that ees vhut is all about, yes?

Before we get to the pickups, we bolt zee potentiometers (aka 'pots') onto the pickguard. Here I'm using my trusty Sears Craftsman 1/2 open end wrench to do the job. The pots are CTS; I'm going with the standard master volume, but with a master tone and a third pot as a blender. In the first or fifth positions of the switch, ve can meex in ze bridge or ze neck pup. Cool, yes?
After the pots and switch are installed, we put the pickups on.

You can also see the aluminum backing plate I'm installing as part of the shield.
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