First I mark the fret tops with a marker.
Then with my granite fret leveling sanding block, I go over the frets. No pressure on the block - its weight does the job. Just a back and forth and sort of circular motion does it.
The idea here is to sand until the marks on all the frets are gone - then they're all level. Usually doesn't take long.
Then we crown them with a fret file. This file is curved so that the frets will get a rounded "crown" shape on the tops.
Note the second fret with the arrow. I didn't get all of the marker off, but I figured it might be ok. These frets are small, and I was wary of taking off too much material. Hold that thought.
After the crowning, we polish them with #0000 steel wool.
Now my latest Stew-Mac catalog lists these abrasive "erasers" in different grades for this job. I had to try them, so they're on order. There are a few nicks in these frets that I should be able to take out later with them.
Now I string it up and take it for a test drive.
Remember that second fret? It's too low. When I fret a note there on the A or E strings, the string actually frets on the third fret. Since the second is too low, the string doesn't hit it.
I'll go back when I get the fret erasers and fix the problem. Also, the action is actually a tad too low (!) and I have some buzzes. I have a solution to fix that at the bridge.
Given all the work I put in with the reset, I'm not too surprised I have a couple of setup issues. Could be a lot worse.
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