I just drove the anchors into the mortar between the bricks. I figure that if it ever needs to come off, it will be easier to patch the holes in the mortar than to try to get adhesive off the bricks.
That was more or less the last piece in finishing the sunroom! (Sound of Veuve-Cliquot bottle popping open).
There actually are a few more small tasks, but it's pretty much done. I do want to put more insulation up in the ceiling above the room, but that isn't urgent.
Here are some shots of the final room. You can go back through the blog and read about the whole process if you want. (I personally don't want to relive it just yet). Just go to the Home Renovation link and go back through all the previous posts.

There is a heater on the far wall and there's also one to the right on the near side wall.
The floor tile had been covered up for so long I forgot what it looked like!

We have a retro/modern Minka-Aire fan for when it gets warmer.

Other heater I referenced earlier.
The windows all slide open and have screens. One of the remaining tasks will be to get window coverings - probably vertical blinds.

The 'tapestry' tile piece in the center of the floor.
The sides are a mosaic tile. Some of the tiles are rock and some are glass. They all appear to be different colors depending on the angle and type of light hitting them.
If there is one part of this job I would not do again, it would be the tapestry. The trim tile was expensive, and it took a major long time to lay. The small tiles proved to be very fiddly to get right.
I'd do the glass tiles again on a kitchen or bath, but not on a floor. But it's done and there it is.

Arty shot of the mosaic tiles.

Here's the "wiring corner" with the internet switch and a power strip semi-permanently mounted on the wall molding.
There are a total of four AC outlet boxes around the room. I wound up mounting the power strip on the wall as you see here so we could run the switch off it.

Closeup of how I mounted the thermostat for the heaters.
We've been using the heaters for the last couple of weeks since the room was finished, and they are very efficient and heat up quickly.
Now that the room is done, I can get back to other fun stuff...stay tuned.
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