This is probably a better angle of the nut. You can see I also made a pass with a 'nut file' across the top - it follows the curve of the fingerboard.
None of this is too difficult to do in terms of the actual labor/craft. The most critical elements are the slot depths, the slot widths and the distance between the slots. I've made a handful of nuts and I find I tend to make the slots too deep. But you live and learn with experience.

With the nut beginning to (ahem) take shape, I'm a-gonna string up the geetar. I'm using DR "Pure Blues" nickel strings these days. I really like the tone - not as bright as GHS Boomers (which I used to use), and I think they tend to last longer (corrode less) than the Boomers.

Here we are strung up to pitch. The string height is obviously way way too high. The process now is simple, just a bit tedious. I'll file each of the slots down, and also take some of the height off the top of the nut.
It takes me three or four passes of this process - nut on, tune to pitch, detune, file, nut back on, etc., until it's done. I don't do this enough to get it in a couple passes. Even Dan Erlewine says it takes most pros a few times of taking the nut on and off the guitar to get it perfect.

Before I get too far into the nut-cutting (nutting?), I'm going to put the string retainer on. The string retainer is the circular thingy in the pixture on the right (red arrow). This is the old style Fender round retainer. The earliest Stratocasters (from '54 to '56 I believe) used them until they switched to the "butterfly" style. Most all Telecasters until the late 60s/early 70s used the round style, until they, too, were changed. Of course, they're more or less interchangeable. I'm not sure one's better than the other since functionally they do the same thing - keep the string angle on the E and B strings correct as they pass over the nut and go up to the tuners.

I took the measurements off the old neck - see my scrawled dimensions. Then it's just a matter of transferring the measurements over to the new neck and marking it. I lined up the new retainer and used its screw to make a small center hole.
Then I used a small (I can't remember the exact size, might have been 1/16...) bit to drill a hole. It's a good idea to "flag" the depth - unless you want to drill a hole all the way through the headstock. Your choice.

I like the round retainer so much I changed out my main Strat with one...and also did some other junk to it that I'll be getting on here too.
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