I've chosen 'vintage' bone nut which I got from Stewart-MacDonald (aka Stew-Mac). The vintage part means it's unbleached, not so bright white in color. They have a Fender size which is real close to whatcha need for an S- or T- geetar. You get your choice of flat bottom or curved. Now, Fender, since the dawn of time (which you know now from a previous post is 1949) has used a curved bottom in their nut slots. I have no idea why they did this - I believe most other manufacturers at the time were using flat bottoms. At any rate, when I ordered the neck from USACG, they recommended not even messing with the curved, "unless you really have to have one." I went with flat and it's a heck of a lot easier to work with.

You can see it's just a bit longer than the slot. It's also a tad wider. Whatcha do first is sand it flat on either side until it fits tightly into the slot. I sanded it with 400 grit wet paper.
After that, lay out the string slots. I used Stew-Mac's string spacing gauge. It's the best $20 I ever spent. Basically, you mark the slots for the outside strings - the low and high Es. I put them about 1/8 inch in from the edge of the fretboard. Once those are marked, you line the gauge up and mark the inside 4 strings accordingly. There *is* a mathematical way (old-school) of doing this, but math makes my head hurt, and I have a gauge!

Once the slots are marked, I used an X-Acto fine razor saw to make a tiny starter slot. Then start to file each slot in turn. I have nut slot files that are gauged - each slot should be a few thousandths wider than the string that will be in the slot. So on a .010 high E, for example, I used an .013 file. For the B - .013, I used an .016, etc. I bought a set of 7 files and they pretty much cover any gauge of strings you'd put on a geetar. As Dan Erlewine says in his great repair book, you can also 'fudge' some slots that need to be a bit wider than your file by "rolling" the file in the slot.

Once you have some slots cut a bit, string it up. Now we REALLY are gettin close to playin some music! (Considering the nut is made of cow bone, maybe it should be MOOsic...).

When the slot depths are looking close, take the nut out and put it in a vise so you can file the top down. The strings shouldn't ride too deeply in the slots - about halfway for the bass strings and almost the whole way for treble. Again, too deep and they'll hang up, too shallow and they may pop out when you're playing. You can see where I marked a couple lines to give an idea of how deep to file. In between the two lines is what I was shooting for.
It may take a number of passes to get it right - I think I had this one in and out of the guitar 5 or 6 times. Better to take file a small amount at a time to make sure you don't go too low.
You'll also need to trim the excess off the ends once the slots and overall depth is where you like it. Just mark the ends at the end of the fretboard, put the nut in a vise and saw em off with your razor saw. I filed mine down a tad too - I don't like the ends of the nut sticking out where I can catch it with my left hand when playing.
This is one of the great things about building your own instrument - you can make small customizations they way YOU want them. Of course, you can always make something like a nut for a factory guitar too if you want.

Put a couple drops of glue - wood glue or cyanoacrylate (CA...super glue) to hold it in. You just need a couple drops - a ton of glue may seep out and ruin your nice new finish. The string tension will mostly hold the nut in anyway, and if you have a good fit, the glue is almost not necessary.
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